Analytics and Intelligence Services
Wisdom Technology Social Media services are focused on empowering businesses to exploit Social
Media to their own interest. Designed to allow customers make better decisions, our tools allow
Services and Product Providers SPPsto enhance brand awareness through strategic planning. Such
services may include: media & social media strategy, social media management and data mining,
analysis and intelligence solutions
Intelligent Marketing Campaigns
Wisdom Technology Campaign Intelligence Solutions enables B2C marketers to run campaigns that are
both client-centric, and aligned with their business objectives. Helping our clients to build the
best action plan, starting from the creation of campaign ideas and goals, to devising an action
plan in order to maximize the impact and engagement of target groups.
- Information and Media Analytics, Intelligence, and data mining.
- Media & Social Media Strategy.
- Assessment, evaluation and business development.
- Performance management and improvement
- Business process improvement.
- Project management